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The activities of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (IMEMO) are aimed at researching the main trends in the development of modern world policy and the world economy, and at developing a reliable analytical basis for political decision-making.

The Institute interacts with federal and regional authorities of Russia, mass media, large state and private companies, other Russian and foreign research centers.

The Institute independently determines the research program in accordance with its Charter. IMEMO research is independent and non-partisan.

The Institute conducts fundamental, exploratory and applied scientific research in the following areas:

Global development and national interests of Russia:

- theories of world economy and international relations;

- forecasting of global socio-economic and political development (long-term and short-term forecasts);

- trends and prospects of innovative development as the most important factor of economic growth, tools and results of scientific and innovation policy;

- formation of the structure, norms and principles of global governance and regulation of international political processes;

- socio-political transformations in the modern world, socio-cultural factors of world development and modern socio-political institutions, ideological and political divisions and identities.

Evolution of the system of international relations, risks and guarantees of international security:

- evolution of the system of international relations, changes in its configuration, formation of new problematic areas;

- international security, prevention and resolution of international conflicts, arms control, countering terrorist and other transboundary threats;

- situational analysis of key issues of Russia's relations with the outside world, challenges and opportunities to ensure its interests in the emerging polycentric world.

Comprehensive studies of economic, political and social development of leading countries and regions of the world:

- economic, political and social development of countries and regions of the world;

- integration and disintegration trends in the world economy and international policy at the global and regional levels;

- socio-economic and political processes in the post-Soviet space: strategic interests of Russia;

- socio-economic dynamics, social security challenges, migration processes.

The most important trends and new qualitative characteristics of world economic development, Russia in the global economy:

- Institutional and structural changes in the world economy and the international division of labor;

- optimization of Russia's participation in world economic relations.

 IMEMO actively participates:

o    In the implementation of federal, regional, sectoral, corporate scientific programs and projects, preparation of scientific forecasts, analytical developments, conducting scientific and technical expertise in the field of the Institute;

o    in conducting scientific research on projects that have received financial support from the state scientific funds of the Russian Federation, other state and non-state funds, funds of international and foreign organizations;

o    in publishing activities (establishment and publication of scientific and popular science journals in the field of the Institute for the publication of research results of scientists of the Institute, other scientific organizations, publication of monographs, scientific and methodological materials, collections of scientific papers, manuals, methodological instructions containing the results of scientific activity of the Institute, materials of conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and other scientific and organizational events in the field of the Institute, as well as scientific translation);

o    in organizing and conducting scientific and organizational events in the field of the Institute (seminars, symposiums, congresses, conferences, exhibitions, competitions, including international ones or with the participation of foreign scientists, as well as using other forms of dissemination of knowledge and information);

o    in the implementation of educational activities on basic professional educational programs of higher education – programs of training of scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school; additional professional programs, professional development programs, professional retraining programs);

o    in the implementation of training of scientific personnel (in doctoral studies)



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First news
Institute News

A meeting of the Academic council of IMEMO are holding at the Academician N.N. Inozemtsev conference hall.



Issue No. 9 for 2024 of the MEMO Journal is out of print. The issue opens with an article by P. Topychkanov on India's influence on the formation of a multipolar nuclear order.


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